1. I understand that behaviour deemed to be disruptive by the facilitator will not be tolerated and may lead to my being expelled from the group. I expect that in the first instance I will be asked to stop but if I continue after this I will be asked to leave. In the case of major breaches of conduct I may be asked to leave immediately. If this happens repeatedly I understand that I may not be invited into future groups.
2. I acknowledge and understand that confidentiality is important within the group. I will not repeat any information about others that I hear in the group to any third party. I will not record or attempt to record any part of the meeting. I will not gossip about other current or former group members.
3. I expect that my confidentiality will also be respected, except for in any case where significant harm may be caused by the facilitator failing to disclose something on my behalf. I understand that the facilitator in such a case would first attempt to talk to me about this before making a disclosure, unless circumstances will not allow this.
4. I understand and accept that no discrimination against others will be tolerated. I understand that Beyond Reflections as an organisation values diversity. I will not instigate or participate in excluding or discounting any group member and will not judge others based on their appearance or the way in which they are choosing to, or not to, transition.
5. I will not disclose the URL or password for the group to anyone or invite anyone else to join, nor will I have others with me when I am logged into the group. If I know of other people who may benefit from joining Beyond Reflections, I know that they must contact the office and go through a joining procedure.
6. I will ensure that I am in the right environment when attending the online group. This will include, but is not restricted to, ensuring that I have privacy, no one else is there, there are no lewd or obscene materials visible in shot, there is no background noise such as music, pets or television.
7. I will focus fully on the group and not on other things that are happening around me or other things on my device.
8. I will be mindful that microphones can cause a feedback noise and will therefore mute my mic when not speaking, if I am able to I will use headphones or a headset.
9. I accept responsibility for my own actions.
10. I expect to be able to discuss matters of gender identity in a safe and boundaried way with others and to be able to raise issues I have and discuss my personal experiences without being judged.
11. I understand that all group members will respect and value all other group members – we may all be different, but I understand that we are all worthy.
12. I accept that the Beyond Reflections online group is for discussing trans matters and whilst some other needs may at times come into the conversation it is not the responsibility of Beyond Reflections to support me with these.
13. I accept that Beyond Reflections is not responsible for group members outside of the online meetings.
14. I agree to take part in a monitoring process to share my personal goals and track my process and understand that this will be discussed with me periodically by my facilitator in a separate chat.
15. I understand that the facilitator manages the meeting and will direct, where necessary, who speaks when. I will not argue with these decisions if I am asked to wait my turn or allow others to speak.
16. I will not interrupt others, or use the text chat to talk over them, I will instead use the ‘raise your hand’ button, or physically raise my hand, to indicate that I would like to speak next and wait for the facilitator to acknowledge me.
17. I understand that I will be allocated to a group at a set time and will have the meeting link emailed to me shortly before the group is due to start.
18. I will have my camera on unless it is causing me great discomfort, at which point I will discuss this with the facilitator prior to the meeting. I understand that everyone being able to see each other has a greater impact on reducing the isolation that I and other group members may feel, and allows everyone to better connect. I will have my camera on at meetings unless specifically agreed otherwise.
19. I will attend regularly and inform the facilitator if I will not be able to attend a group, or in cases of emergency, as soon as I am able to I will give my reasons for having missed the group. I understand that if I miss more than two groups in any three month period I will lose my space in group to the next person on the waiting list unless I give valid reasons for doing so.